// Prevents additional console window on Windows in release, DO NOT REMOVE!! #![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")] use native_dialog::FileDialog; use tauri::{Manager, PhysicalSize, Size}; use std::{io::{Error, ErrorKind}, path::PathBuf, sync::Mutex}; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; // define file and folder path variable, don't know if it's the right way of doing it lazy_static! { static ref FILE_PATH: Mutex = Mutex::new("".to_string()); static ref FOLDER_PATH: Mutex = Mutex::new("".to_string()); } #[derive(Clone, serde::Serialize)] struct Payload { message: String, } // Learn more about Tauri commands at https://tauri.app/v1/guides/features/command #[tauri::command] async fn select_file_button(app: tauri::AppHandle) { FILE_PATH.lock().unwrap().replace_range(.., &choose_file()); println!("{}",FILE_PATH.lock().unwrap()); let _ = app.emit_all("file_path_changed", Payload { message: FILE_PATH.lock().unwrap().to_string() }); } #[tauri::command] async fn select_folder_button(app: tauri::AppHandle) { FOLDER_PATH.lock().unwrap().replace_range(.., &choose_folder()); println!("{}",FOLDER_PATH.lock().unwrap()); let _ = app.emit_all("folder_path_changed", Payload { message: FOLDER_PATH.lock().unwrap().to_string() }); } #[tauri::command] async fn slice_button(app: tauri::AppHandle, chapter: String){ // Try to format the chapters and panic if it was not able to let formated_chapters = match format_chapter(&chapter) { Ok(res) => res, Err(error) => panic!("Problem slicing chapter: {:?}", error), }; let time_codes: Vec = formated_chapters.0; let title_names: Vec = formated_chapters.1; println!("time codes: \n{:?}\ntitle names: \n{:?}", time_codes, title_names); // create folder if it does not exist /*match fs::create_dir_all(FOLDER_PATH.lock().unwrap().to_owned()) { Ok(res) => res, Err(error) => panic!("Problem creating directory : {:?}", error), };*/ // create the progress window let _about_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new( &app, "progress", /* the unique window label */ tauri::WindowUrl::App("progress.html".into()) ).build().expect("failed to create progress window"); _about_window.set_title("Slicing progress").unwrap(); _about_window.set_size(Size::Physical(PhysicalSize { width: 400, height: 100 })).unwrap(); for i in 0..time_codes.len(){ let args: Vec; let mut output_file: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(&FOLDER_PATH.lock().unwrap().to_owned()); output_file.push(format!("{:02} - {}", i+1, title_names[i])); output_file.set_extension("mp3"); if i+1 res, /// Err(error) => panic!("Problem slicing chapter: {:?}", error), /// }; /// let time_codes: Vec = formated_chapters.0; /// let title_names: Vec = formated_chapters.1; /// ``` fn format_chapter(chapter: &str) -> Result<(Vec, Vec), Error>{ let lines: Vec<&str> = chapter.split("\n").collect(); let mut time_code: Vec = vec![]; let mut title_names: Vec = vec![]; for l in lines.iter(){ if l.is_empty() { break; } let splited_line = l.split(" - ").collect::>(); if splited_line.len()<2 || splited_line[1] == "" { // To avoid blank title return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "No title associated with the time code")); } time_code.push(splited_line[0].to_owned()); title_names.push(splited_line[1..].join(" - ")); } Ok((time_code, title_names)) } // prompt user file chooser using native_dialogue crate fn choose_file() -> String{ println!("Let's choose a file !"); let path = FileDialog::new() .show_open_single_file() .unwrap(); format!("{:?}", path).replace("Some(\"", "").replace("\")", "") // turn the FileDialog into a string and remove Some("") } fn choose_folder() -> String{ println!("Let's choose a folder !"); let path = FileDialog::new() .show_open_single_dir() .unwrap(); format!("{:?}", path).replace("Some(\"", "").replace("\")", "") // turn the FileDialog into a string } fn launch_ffmpeg(app: tauri::AppHandle, args: Vec) { // get the path from the bundled binary let resource_path = app.path_resolver() .resolve_resource("resources/ffmpeg-linux") .expect("failed to resolve resource"); println!("using ffmpeg binary : {}\nwith the following argument : {:?}", resource_path.display(), args); // launch the command let output = std::process::Command::new(resource_path.as_os_str()) .args(args) .output() .expect("failed to execute process"); // print the output of the ffmpeg command println!("status: {}", output.status); println!("stdout: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); println!("stderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)); } fn main() { // generate the tauri app tauri::Builder::default() .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![select_file_button, select_folder_button, debug_call, slice_button, about_button]) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("error while running tauri application"); }